City of Gallipolis

Gallipolis City Manager

John Westfall
City Manager
PO Box 339
333 Third Avenue
Gallipolis, Ohio 45631

Phone:    740-446-1789

Fax:        740-441-2070


From The Desk Of The City Manager

November 2024

As you may already know, the Ohio EPA has been updating Lead and Copper rules on Public Water Systems in Ohio. For many years, some of you have already been helping with our need for Lead and Copper sampling. [More....]

October 2024

October 2024

RIVERFRONT UPGRADES …... Meetings are still ongoing with the Grant Team and Engineers for this upgrade. Bidding for this project should start in the Spring 2025 months, Construction hopefully will begin in the Summer 2025 months and all projects MUST be complete by 2026. This is a $9 Million Dollar Grant we are fortunate enough to have been a part of through the State of Ohio. This Grant was written specifically for the Riverfront and all monies from this grant MUST be utilized at the Riverfront. Our City Park is beautiful and this upgrade is only going to enhance the park. [Read More...]


September 2024

WATER METERS……The Water Meter Project is complete! We understand that there is some confusion as to why only certain meters were changed. We changed meters that were no longer working or were having issues. Be assured, that we are going to continue this project and replace more meters as grant money becomes available.  [READ MORE....]

July 2024

WATER METERS……The Water Meter Project is nearing completion. A reminder - we are working with a contractor to quickly complete this work. If you see a strange car or truck with magnets on the doors with the City of Gallipolis Logo and also the company name VEPO SOLUTIONS, let us reassure you – they are supposed to be there and are working for us[...READ MORE]

June 2024

SUMMERTIME!!!!!  The “relaxing” season most of us look forward to and enjoy. No snow and ice, warmer weather, and late nights enjoying those front porches and patios. This year, the city will not have much time to enjoy that relaxation as we have many projects gearing [...Read More]

May 2024

As many of you know, the City of Gallipolis lost our City Manager, Dow Saunders on April 22, 2024. Dow loved the city and strived to bring the City of Gallipolis forward in many aspects and took pride in his position as City Manager. Dow loved being involved in the many different organizations and took pleasure in lending a helping hand wherever he could. We, as a city and a community, will greatly miss him.  [...Read More]

April, 2024 

In last month’s column we addressed street paving and this month I’d like to continue to expand upon this topic.    As I mentioned last month, the City’s paving project was ranked high enough for the project to be forwarded for small government competition among the state’s districts where it will be ranked against both public water/sewer and paving projects.    This is the reality of both competing for and being awarded paving grants. [...Read More]

2024 - March

Spring is in the air and with warmer temperatures, our thoughts turn to spring cleaning. Within the City, the maintenance and street department will begin applying cold mix and hot mix to road surfaces and also start painting crosswalks and curbing throughout the town.

I hear so many comments about street paving and am asked what is the City's plan. First, our thanks to the Ohio Department of Transportation for paving Route 7 this past summer as this was much needed and appreciated. [...Read More]


2024 - February

Last month’s column focused on the City Police Department,  addressing both challenges and goals that we have identified.  Let me start with a clarification to last month’s letter regarding the departmental staffing.   The Department HAS been staffed at a total of fourteen (14) officers which included the position of the Chief of Police and the department’s Detective.  [...Read More]

2024 - January

This month I would like to review the City Police Department staffing and budget, including our service goals.   First, the challenges facing today’s police are more numerous and unfortunately more dangerous than what officers faced years ago when I was first a city commissioner [...Read More]

2023 - November / December

I would like to introduce a column that we will be sending out with our billing to
help provide an update of City services, current projects, and both challenges and
accomplishments we have had within the last year.  [...Read More ]

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