Brian Lane, Superintendent
1547 Chatham Avenue
Gallipolis, Ohio 45631
Phone: (740) 446-1690
Fax: (740) 446-6545
Gallipolis Water Pollution Control Facility protects the Ohio River in an environmentally responsible manner so that its water resources can be used for the benefit of all people.
The Water Pollution Control Facility is responsible for providing complete treatment of wastewater from sanitary sewers to produce a fully treated, clean effluent for discharge into the Ohio River. The quality of this water either meets or exceeds all Ohio and Federal EPA requirements. The division responsible for processing, handling and the ultimate disposal bio-solids that are generated by the wastewater treatment process. The treatment plant operation includes plant maintenance and repair to preserve the city’s investment in the associated facilities.
The Water Pollution Control Facility will treat an average of 1.0 MGD and a maximum of 5.7 MGD. Wastewater treatment includes influent pumping, grit removal, primary sedimentation, oxidation towers (for secondary treatment), final sedimentation, chlorination and de-chlorination. Solids treatment includes primary anaerobic digestion that is heated and mixed. Secondary digestion is included with land application of bio-solids for final disposal.
The Water Pollution Control Facility sewer ordinance and protection of sewer ordinance are enforced by city officials. The most recent changes was the oil and grease management plan that was enacted to keep fats, oils and grease from city sewers.
The Wastewater Treatment Plants last major upgrade was in 1987 with a 5.7 million dollar expansion plan. This was the last grant/loan financing options allowed by the EPA. The most recent project was a successful odor reduction project that was completed in spring of 2003 a cost of 350,000.00.
The Water Pollution Control Facility is staffed with three operators, one administrative assistant and one supervisor. Three of the four operators are state certified by the Ohio EPA. Certifications range from class 1 to class III operators. The plant is staffed 365 days a year. Daily lab analysis is performed in a fully functional laboratory. Monthly Operating Reports (MOR’s) are generated by using E-DMR program to electronically submit reports.
The Gallipolis Water Treatment Plant is performing well below its state monitoring guidelines. The water is cleaned, disinfected, and returned to the receiving stream. The environment benefits from the combined effort and dedication of all its employees that work in this facility.
Average flow 1.0 MGDDesign Flow 1.6 MGDPeak flow 5.7 MGD