City of Gallipolis

Fire Department - Frequently Ask Questions

1.      How do I call for services of the Gallipolis Fire Department?

For an emergency, call 911 and give the dispatcher your name, address/location, call-back phone number, and the type of emergency. Never panic, stay calm, and be prepared to give the dispatcher as much information as you can give them. This helps the dispatcher and the department with preplanning the emergency while they are enroute.

Non-emergency calls, you can call the Station business phone at 740-446-9533 from 8am to 4pm.


2.      How many stations do you have?

We currently have two stations, located at the north and south ends of the City.


3.       What is your ISO rating?

Our ISO rating is a Class 4


4.      Are you a paid department or strictly volunteer?

We have one full-time Station Firefighter and twenty-nine volunteer firefighters. The fulltime firefighter resides in the City owned residence, located next door to Station 1. Technically, since we have a full-time employee and volunteers that are paid-on-call, we are considered a “combination department”.


5.      What area do you cover around the City of Gallipolis?

The Gallipolis Fire Department provides fire protection and rescue for the City of Gallipolis, Addison, Gallipolis, and Green Townships. This area is approximately 70 square miles.


6.      What special building codes does the fire department abide by?

The Gallipolis Fire Department follows the Ohio Building Code, Ohio Fire Code, and various city ordinances established by the city commission.


7.      How do I get a building permit?

A person requesting a building permit will need to file with the State of Ohio code enforcement and the City of Gallipolis code enforcement officer. You will be provided a permit package to be completed.


8.      When my building is complete, whom do I call for a final inspection?

You will need to the contact the State of Ohio, Division of State Fire Marshal Code Enforcement Office to request the final inspection. The state will work with the fire department on the inspection.


8.      How do I retain a fire report for incident that occurred on my property?

Please stop by Station 1, located at 2018 Chestnut Street in the City of Gallipolis, during the hours of 8-4 Monday through Friday.


9.      Do you have a good response from the volunteers?

The fire department has an average of 43% of our members respond to each emergency call.


10.  Do you have sufficient equipment if I live outside the city where no hydrants are located?

The Gallipolis Fire Department has 4 pumper/tankers, which carry a total of 4,250 gallons of water to a fire. If this water will not cover the size of the fire, the fire department has mutual-aid agreements with every department in the county, which can be activated at any time.


11.  How do I become a member of the Gallipolis Fire Department?

When the department is accepting applications for volunteers, an application can be picked at the chief’s office at Station 1, which is located at 2018 Chestnut Street, during the hours of 8-4 Monday through Friday. 

12. What are the statewide burning restrictions?

During Spring the danger of a wildfire is much greater due to the warm and windy weather conditions, combined with an abundant amount of dry leaves, dead grass and dry brush material.


Due to the elevated risk of wildfires, outdoor open burning during the months of March,

April, May, October and November is restricted statewide. This restriction only allows for outdoor open burning between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:00am.


Other open burning restrictions include: fires must be more than 1,000 feet from a neighbor’s inhabited building or home; the fire/smoke cannot obscure visibility on the roadway; no waste generated off the premises may be burned; materials containing rubber, grease, asphalt or other petroleum products is not permitted; and burning is prohibited within village or city limits (with a few exceptions).


If you have questions about when and what you are allowed to burn, please contact your local fire department.

Before burning, please call your local fire department or the 911 Dispatch Center (740-446-3126) and let them know that you will be conducting a controlled burn. This will help eliminate a needless response from the fire department.


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