01-02-2024 R2024-01 Advertising for Bids for the year 2024
02-20-2024 R2024-03- Authorizing and Directing the City Manager and City Auditor to proceed with a loan agreement for the repairs to the Gallipolis municipal Pool
03-19-2024 R2024-04- Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with 120Water for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance
02-20-2023 R2023-01- Appointing Brynn Saunders Noe as City Solicitor
03-21-2023 R2023-02- Acceptance of material terms of the National Opioid Settlement Agreement
04-24-2023 R2023-05- Intentionally Skipped
04-24-2023 R2023-06- Appointing Andrew Noe as the City Solicitor
04-24-2023 R2023-07- Recognizing Brynn Saunders Noe for her service to the City of Gallipolis
07-18-2023 R2023-08 New special Revenue fund 271 for the Community Corrections act 2.0
07-18-2023 R2023-09 Proposing an additional Ten Mill limitation levy for fire
07-20-2023 R2023-11 Declaring the amount of taxes that may be raised by levy at the maximum rate
09-05-2023 R2023-15- Certification to enforce the Ohio State Building codes
09-05-2023 R2023-17- Appointing Emily VanSickle as assistant City Solicitor
10-17-2023 R2023-21- Appointing William kirk Frazee as city Commissioner
10-03-2023 R2023-18 Applying and Accepting the Ohio Department of Commerce (Cemetery Grant)
11-07-2023 R2023-20 Accepting amounts and rates for the necessary tax levies
10-17-2023 R2023-21 Appointing William Kirk Frazee as City Commissioner
11-21-2023 R2023-22 Establishment of a new capital line for the waterline replacement project
12-19-2023 R2023-24 Acceptance of the SOPEC Community Grant
12-19-2023 R2023-25 Supporting a City Water Assessment and Protection plan
02-01-2022 R2022-02- Application for the Cultural & Sport Facilities Grant
02-15-2022 R2022-03- Dow Saunders appointment to the District 15 Public Works Integrating Committee
04-04-2022-R2022-05- The establishment of a new capital fund 379 for USDA Grant
04-04-2022-R2022-06- Authorizing and providing a portion of the cost for the USDA Grant
04-04-2022-R2022-07- The establishment of a new special fund 221 for the SOPEC Grant
05-25-2022-R2022-08- Accepting Tetra Tech as the City of Gallipolis environmental consulting firm
08-15-2022 R2022-09- The establishment of a new special revenue Fund 227 ONEOHIO Opioid Settlement
10-17-2022 R2022-15- Establishment of a new capitol project for OPWC Oakwood Drive Landslide repair
10-17-2022 R2022-16- Consenting to the Municipal Bridge Inspection Program
04-20-2021 R2021-01-Solid Waste Management Plan
05-04-2021 R2021-02- Authorizing the establishment fund line for the American Rescue Plan
08-12-2021 R2021-03- Emergency-accept the terms of the national opioid settlement agreement
09-21-2021 R2021-04- Emergency-appointing the auditor/clerk/treasurer
09-21-2021 R2021-06- Authorizing the city manager to grant an easement to AEP
10-19-2021 R2021-08- Bid for purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services for 2022
R2021-09- Appointing the City Manager- WAS NOT NEEDED
12-07-2021 R2021-10-Expressing appreciation to commissioner Cody Caldwell
12-07-2021 R2021-11- Expressing appreciation to commissioner T Beau Sang
R2020-02-Emergency-Establish Local Coronavirus Relief Fund
R2020-03-Emergency-Establish CARES Act Remote Technology Grant Fund
R2020-04-Emergency-OVB Signature Cards & Resolution
R2020-05-Emergency-Extension on Township Fire Contracts
R2020-06-Emergency-Easement for Columbia Gas for 2-1/2 Alley Project
R2020-07-Emergency- Advertise for Bids to Purchase Materials, Supplies, Equipment and Services
R2020-08-Emergency-Accepting the Amounts for Necessary Tax Levies
R2020-09-Emergency- Two new Funds for Capital Projects For 588 Slip- Failed
02-19-19 R2019-01-Emergency-Fire Contracts w/ Townships
06-04-19 R2019-02 -Emergency-Urging State to Restore LGF
09-03-19 R2019-03 Resolution Appointing Ted Lozier Acting City Manager
08-06-19 R2019-04-Emergency Establishing Gallipolis Railroad Freight Station Museum Fund
08-06-19 R2019-05-Emergency Appointing Whitney R. Vilfer Assistant Treasurer
10-01-19 R2019-06-Emergency - Submit OPWC Paving Grant Application
10-01-19 R2019-07-Emergency-OVB Depository Accounts Resolution
11-19-19 R2019-08-Emergency-Accepting Amounts & Rates for Gallia Co Budget Commission
12-27-19 R2019-10 Appointing Theodore R Lozier to City Manager
11-19-19 R2019-11-Emergency-Adopting County's All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan
12-27-19 R2019-12 Emergency- Expressing the appreciation to commissioner Steve E Wallis
12-27-19 R2019-13 Emergency- Gallipolis Railroad Freight Station Museum's
01-23-18 R2018-01 Emergency-Appreciation to Michael Brown
01-23-18 R2018-02 Emergency-Appreciation to W. Matthew Johnson
01-23-18 R2018-03 Emergency-Appreciation to Roger P Brandeberry
01-02-18 R2018-04 Emergency-New Special Revenue Fund
02-20-18 R2018-05 Emergency Establishment of New Special Revenue Fund Police CPT
03-06-18 R2018-06 Appointing Adam Salisbury Solicictor - Four Year Term
07-03-18 R2018-07 Emergency-Updating Public Funds For Treasury Funds
08-21-18 R2018-08 Emergency-Invest Budget Surplus
09-18-18 R2018-09 Emergency-Appt to District 15 PWIC
09-18-18 R2018-10 Emergency-Naming Assistant Auditor Alternate for Dist. 15 PWIC
10-02-18 R2018-11 Emergency-Submitting application for OPWC
11-27-18 R2018-12 Emergency-CM Advertise for Bids for Materials, Supplies, Equipment & Services
12-04-18 R2018-13 Emergency-Accepting Amounts & Rates & Certifying to Co. Auditor
12-04-18 R2018-14 Emergency-Amending Term of Adam R. Salisbury, City Solicitor
12-04-18 R2018-15 Emergency-Appointing Brynn Saunders Noe as City Solicitor (1/1/19 - 12-31-22)
03-21-17 ResR2017-01 Emergency-Agreement with ODNR - Repair Bandstand and Kerr Fountain
10-17-17 ResR2017-02 Emergency-Distributi9on of local government funds
11-14-17 ResR2017-04 Emergency-Bids-Purchase of materials, supplies, Equipment and Services
01-19-16 ResR2016-01 Emergency- Register for America in Bloom contest
06-21-16 ResR2016-02 New Capital Project Fund for Traffic Light Replacement
07-19-16 ResR2016-03 Designating CM Resp for Public Records House Bill
11-15-16 ResR2016-04 Emergency-Tax Levies
12-06-16 ResR2016-05 Emergency-Bids for Materials, Equipment Supplies
01-06-15 ResR2015-01 Register for America in Bloom Contest
01-06-15 ResR2015-02 Naming Eugene Greene Interim City Manager and Ronnie Lynch Alternate
03-17-15 ResR2015-03 Emergency-Fire Protection Agreement Green Township
03-17-15 ResR2015-04 Emergency- Agreement for Fire Protection Addison, Clay, and Gallipolis
05-19-15 ResR2015-05 Appointing Eugene Greene City Manager
07-07-15 ResR2015-06 Appropriate Real Property 754 4th Avenue
07-07-15 ResR2015-07 Appropriate Real Property 75 Cedar Street
08-04-15 ResR2015-08 Emergency-Naming CM Eugene Greene to District 15 PWIC
09-22-15 ResR2015-10 Emergency-Support OVB Application for Ohio Development Services
09-22-15 ResR2015-11 Emergency-Resolve Claims in Gallia County Court of Common Pleas
10-06-15 ResR2015-12 Emergency- Compensation for Real Property 75 Cedar Street
10-06-15 ResR2015-13 Emergency-Compensation for Real Property 74 Cedar Street
11-03-15 ResR2015-14 Bids-Materials, Supplies, Equipment and Services for 2016
11-17-15 ResR2015-15 Emergency- Fire Protection for Addison, Clay, Green and Gallipolis
11-17-15 ResR2015-16 Emergency-Accepting Amts and Rates for Tax Levies and Certifying them
12.22.15 Res R2015-17 Emergency-Policy for Medical Insurance Coverages for spouses
01-07-14 ResR2014-02 Emergency-Approving and Adopting the all Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan
02-04-14 ResR2014-03 Easement to AEP for Electric Service for WPCF
01-28-14 ResR2014-04 Emergency- Support Our House Application for Government Funds for Remodeling
02-12-14 ResR2014-05 Emergen2cy- Appointing Adam Salisbury City Solicitor- 4 year Term
03-18-14 ResR2014-06 Emergency-Advertise for Bids for Spruce Street Lift Station Upgrade
03-18-14 ResR2014-07 Emergency-Bids for a Loan New Pumper Fire and Brush Truck
04-22-14 ResR2014-11 Emergency- Bids to Finance the Lease/Purchase of Pickup Trucks
06-26-14 ResR2014-14 Emergency- Authorizing Approval of the Draft Solid Waste Management Plan
07-28-14 ResR2014-16 Emergency-Bids for WPCF Upgrade
09-02-14 ResR2014-17 Emergency-Application for ODNR Natureworks-Electrical Service to City Park
10-07-14 ResR2014-18 Emergency-Support of H.R.3997 Social Security Administration Accountability Act
10-07-14 ResR2014-19 Emergency- Establishment of a new Revenue Fund Ohio MAS Grant
10-10-14 ResR2014-20 Emergency-Appointing Melvin Eugene Greene - Interim City Manager
10-10-14 ResR2014-21 Emergency-Appointing Ronnie Lynch Acting City Manager
11-18-14 ResR2014-22 Bids- Materials, Supplies, Equipment and Services for 2015
11-18-14 ResR2014-23 Emergency-Repealing ResR2002-41, Phase 2 Farm Road
12-16-14 ResR2014-24 Emergency- Tax Levies and Certifying then to County Auditor
03-26-13 ResR2013-01 Taxes that may be Raised by Levy without Vote of Electors
04-02-13 ResR2013-02 Cooperative Agreement for Design of WPCF Improvements
04-16-13 ResR2013-03 Appointing M. Edward Swisher/Acting City Manager
09-03-13 ResR2013-06 Establishment of a New Special Revenue Fund (Gallipolis in Lights)
11-05-13 ResR2013-08 Bids-Materials, Supplies, Equipment Services for 2014
11-05-13 ResR2013-09 Register for 2014 America in Bloom
11-19-13 ResR2013-10 Tax Levies and Certify with County Auditor
12-03-13 ResR2013-11 Opposing of the HB5 by the Ohio General Assembly
02-07-12 ResR2012-01 Appreciation to Lori F. Bailey
02-07-12 ResR2012-02 Bids-Construction of New Municipal Building for Administrative Offices
02-11-12 ResR2012-03 Bids-Construction of Henkle Avenue Sewer Improvements
03-06-12 ResR2012-04 Bids-Retaining Wall on Hedgewood Drive
02-11-12 ResR2012-05 Consulting Services for Downtown Business District
03-20-12 ResR2012-06 Government Program Funds for Fencing-French Art Colony
03-20-12 ResR2012-07 Engineering Services Entrance to Mound Hill Cemetery
03-20-12 ResR2012-08 Support of Digital River Project
04-03-12 ResR2012-09 New Special Revenue Fund (Fire Loss Recovery)
ResR2012-10 Number Skipped
ResR2012-11 Number Skipped
05-01-12 ResR2012-12 Local Government Fund and Assistance Fund Support for County Budget Commission
06-05-12 ResR2012-13 Emergency-Fire Protection Agreement with Green Twp
06-05-12 ResR2012-14 Emergency-Bids for Construction Municipal Bdlg-Adm Offices
06-05-12 ResR2012-15 Emergency-Fire Loss Recovery Fund
06-05-12 ResR2012-16 Emergency-Digital River Project Fund
07-28-12 ResR2012-17 Appointment to the District 15 Public Works Integrating Committee
07-28-12 ResR2012-18 New Special Revenue Fund (Police Special Equipment Fund)
07-28-12 ResR2012-19 New Special Revenie Fund (Moving Ohio Forward Demolition Grant )
07-28-12 ResR2012-20 New Capital Projects Fund (OPWC Water/Sewer Projects Fund)
09-04-12 ResR2012-21 Lease/Purchase of Tymco Street Sweeper and Two Chevrolet Pickup Trucks
11-20-12 ResR2012-22A Bids-Materials, Equipment, Services for 2013
11-20-12 ResR2012-23 Amercia in Bloom Registration 2013
11-06-12 ResR2012-24 Appointing Ronnie Lynch Acting City Manager in the absence of the City Manager
11-20-12 ResR2012-25 Emergency-Tax Levies and Certifying to County Auditor
11-20-12 ResR2012-26 Emergency-Grant Easement to AEP for service for Administrative Offices
11-20-12 ResR2012-27 Emergency-Grant Easement to AEP for service for Hemlock Drive
12-18-12 ResR2012-28 Emergency- Bids for loan for Mound Hill Cemetery Landslide Repair
02-01-11 ResR2011-02 Annexation Certain Property Spruce Street Extension-1.24 Acres
02-01-11 ResR2011-03 Annexation Certain Property Spruce Street Extension-1.41 Acres
02-01-11 ResR2011-04 Annexation Certain Property Spruce Street Extension-.53 Acres
02-01-11 ResR2011-05 Annexation Certain Property Spruce Street Extension-18.432 Acres
03-29-11 ResR2011-06 Advertise for Professional Engineering Service -WPCF
03-29-11 ResR2011-07 Bids-Construction Loans for New Municipal Bldg and Law Enforcement Offices
03-29-11 ResR2011-08 Bids-Construction of Bew Municipal Bldg and Law Enforcement Offices
03-29-11 ResR2011-09 Bids-Construction of Secondary Fire Station and Cemetery Sexton Office
05-17-11 ResR2011-10 Fire Protection Agreements for Green Township-DEFEATED
05-23-11 ResR2011-11 Fire Protection Agreement with Green Township
05-23-11 ResR2011-12 Support for Ohio Consumers Counsel
06-14-11 ResR2011-13 Bids-Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services
06-14-11 ResR2011-14 Establishment of New Enterprise Fund-Water Leak Insurance
06-14-11 ResR2011-15 City Personnel Policy
07-05-11 ResR2011-16 Proposals for Lease of Office Space for Municipal Administrative Departments
08-02-11 ResR2011-17 Obtain Federal Assistance Grant Program Funding
08-16-11 ResR2011-19 Bids for Loan to Purchase Property 512 Second Avenue
08-16-11 ResR2011-20 Bids for Loan for Construction of Remote Fire Station and Cemetery Office
10-18-11 ResR2011-21 Street Name for Mound Hill Road - New Access Road
11-01-11 ResR2011-22 Bids for Materials, Supplies, Equipment and Services for 2012
11-01-11 ResR2011-23 Solid Waste Management Plan-Lower Fee Structure
11-01-11 ResR2011-24 Register for 2012 America in Bloom
12-01-11 ResR2011-25 Authorizing and Certifying Necessary Tax Levies
12-20-11 ResR2011-26 Township Fire Agreements
12-20-11 ResR2011-27 New Special Revenue Fund-OCJS MRT Probation Grant