City of Gallipolis



01-16-2024 O2024-01- Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Agreement with the Gallia County Commissioners for payment of legal services

02-20-2024 O2024-02- Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Gallia County for Equipment and Labor

03-05-2024 O2024-03 Amending and repealing all previous ordinances setting compensation for municipal employees and appointed officials

03-05-2024 O2024-04 Setting appropriations for current expenses

03-05-2024 O2024-05 Authorizing the city auditor to transfer or advance funds

03-05-2024 O2024-06 Authorizing the issuance and sale or not to exceed $300,000 swimming pool improvement bonds

03-19-2024 O2024-07 Accepting and rejecting bids for the blue fountain lift station rehabilitation

03-19-2024 O2024-08 Establishing a policy for reimbursement for gasoline, milage, and cleaning expenses

04-16-2024 O2024-09 Accepting and rejecting bids for asphalt, limestone and bedding sand

04-16-2024 O2024-10 Accepting and rejecting bids for chemicals and quicklime

05-07-2024 O2024-11 Setting appropriations for current expenses of the City of Gallipolis, Ohio during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024

05-07-2024 O2024-12 Authorizing the City auditor to transfer or advance funds

05-21-2024 O2024-13 Authorizing and directing the city manager to sign documentation for the purchase of a fire engine

05-21-2024 O2024-14 Accepting a proposal for a water meter replacement project at Holzer Hospital

05-07-2024 O2024-15 An emergency ordinance authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with Gallia County and Gallipolis township to submit an OPWC emergency grant application to the Ohio Public Works Commission

06-04-2024 O2024-16 Authorizing the City manager to enter into an agreement for vision insurance coverage for full-time employees and elected and appointed officials

06-18-2024 O2024-17 Vacating a certain alley parallel with and between Eastern Avenue and Ohio Avenue and between Fair View Place and Ohio Avenue in Gallipolis, Ohio

06-18-2024 O2024-18 Authorizing the City manager to submit an application for funding under the victims of crime act and state victims assistance act and authorizing the city manager to enter into agreement if the grant is awarded

07-16-2024 O2024-19 Accepting and rejecting bids for the Belmont Drive sanitary sewer improvements project

08-06-2024 O2024-20 Authorizing and Directing the City manager to enter into agreement for term life insurance

08-06-2024 O2024-21 Setting vacation accruals for City Manager

08-06-2024 O2024-22 Vacating a portion of Spruce Street in between First and Second Avenue

08-06-2024 O2024-23 (FAILED) To place 0.5% Levy increase on the Ballot for November 5th, 2024

09-03-2024 O2024-24 Setting Appropriations

09-03-2024 O2024-25 Transfer and Advancing funds

09-03-2024 O2024-26 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the ODNR Natureworks Grant

09-17-2024 O2024-27 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into Contract with Gallia County to furnish emergency management services

10-01-2024 O2024-28 Accepting and Rejecting bids for Highway Deicing Salt, Calcium Chloride, and cold mix

O2024-29 Tabled at this time

10-01-2024 O2024-30 Authorizing the City Manager to enter in an agreement with USI Insurance Services (PEP)

10-01-2024 O2024-31 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Gallipolis

10-01-2024 O2024-32 Setting Appropriations

Previously tabled 11-05-24  O2024-29 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Gallia County for legal services for indigent citizens – ORDINANCE FAILED

10-15-2024 O2024-33 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with local health care clinics

10-15-2024 O2024-34 Issue permits to charitable organizations to solicit from vehicles

10-15-2024 O2024-35 Authorizing payment of a Christmas bonus to employees

10-12-2024 O2024-36 Authorizing payment of a bonus to volunteer firefighters

10-15-2024 O2024-37 Authoring the City Manager to apply for a T-Mobile hometown grant

11-05-2024 O2024-38 Setting temporary appropriations for the calendar year 2025

11-05-2024 O2024-39 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement for hospitalization, medical and major medical, and drug insurance coverage for employees

11-19-2024 O2024-40 Implementing sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code, establishing the boundaries of a community reinvestment area, and creating a board

12-03-2024 O2024-41 Limiting the number of adult-use cannabis operators permitted within the City pursuant to section 3780.25(A) of the Ohio Revised Code

12-03-2024 O2024-42 Amending appropriations

12-03-2024 O2024-43 Amending transfers and advances


01-03-2023 O2023-01- Amending Chapter 121.01 of codified Ordinances

01-03-2023 O2022-45- Agreement with Local Government Services

01-03-2023 O2022-46- Agreement with Lazarus Cemetery Mapping

01-17-2023 O2023-02- Application to participate in the Ohio Environmental Protection Grant

02-07-2023 O2023-03- Accepting a nature works Local Assistance Grant

02-21-2023 O2023-04-  Accepting and Rejecting bids for Limestone, Asphalt, and Bedding Sand

02-07-2023 O2023-05- Emergency- Approve the plan of operation and Governance for the natural gas program

02-21-2023 O2023-06 – Contract with Gallia County for equipment and labor

02-20-2023 O2023-07- Amending Water Rates

03-07-2023 O2023-08- Setting appropriations for the year 2023

03-07-2023 O2023-09 – Authorizing transfers and advances for the year 2023

03-21-2023 O2023-10 – Amending employee compensation

04-04-2023 O2023-11 – Agreement with ODOT for signal replacement

04-04-2023 O2023-12 – Accepting and rejecting bids for Oakwood Drive landslide repair

04-18-2023 O2023-13 – Agreement with Henderson Aerial Surveys for water lines

04-18-2023 O2023-14 – Accepting and rejecting bids for chemicals and quicklime

04-12-2023 O2023-15 – Agreement with SOPEC for electric aggregation for City facilities

05-02-2023 O2023-16 – Amending appropriations

05-16-2023 O2023-17 – Master agreement with Archer Energy for gas aggregation

06-20-2023 O2023-18- Authorizing the City manager to enter into an application for VOCA and SVAA funding and to enter into an agreement if awarded

06-20-2023 O2023-19- Setting Appropriations

07-18-2023 O2023-20 Establishing Paid Holidays for Appointed Officials and Full-time Municipal Employees

07-18-2023 O2023-21 Emergency Authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with Arcadis IBI Group for contract services

07-18-2023 O2023-22 Emergency Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Arcadis IBI Group for the design and replacement of water lines

07-20-2023 O2023-23 Emergency updating public funds agreement for active deposits for treasury funds

08-15-2023 O2023-24- Accepting and rejecting bids for solid waste collection and disposal

08-15-2023 O2023-25- Setting rates for solid waste collection and disposal

10-03-2023 O2023-28 Agreement with USI insurance services (PEP) for general liability and property insurance

10-17-2023 O2023-29- A grant agreement with the Ohio department of Rehabilitation and correction division of parole

10-17-2023 O2023-30- Entering into contract agreements with local healthcare services

10-17-2023 O2023-31- Agreement with local government services section of the state auditor’s office

11-07-2023 O2023-33 Authorizing the City Manager to issue permits to charitable organizations

11-07-2023 O2023-34 Entering into a contract for hospitalization, medical, and major medical and drug insurance coverage for full-time and elected and appointed officials

11-07-2023 O2023-35 Authorizing the payment of a Christmas bonus to all full-time and certain eligible part-time employees and appointed officials

11-07-2023 O2023-36 Authorizing the Payment of a Bonus to the Gallipolis Fire Department

11-07-2023 O2023-37 Emergency- setting vacation accruals for the City Manager

11-21-2023 O2023-38 Setting Temporary Appropriations for Current Expenses for 2024

11-07-2023 O2023-39 Amending ordinance for setting appropriations for the calendar year 2023

11-21-2023 O2023-40 Amending Ordinance authorizing the City Auditor to transfer or advance funds

11-07-2023 O2023-41 Emergency- directing the Gallia County Board of Elections to place .5% levy on the ballot for the police department

12-05-2023 O2023-42 Revising the codified ordinances by adopting the current replacement pages

12-19-2023 O2023-42 Emergency- Amending Ordinance for setting appropriations for the calendar year 2023


01-18-2022 O2022-01 Accepting and Rejecting bids for Asphalt, Limestone and Bedding Sand

02-01-2022 O2022-02 Amending Chapter 121.01, Regular Meetings

02-15-2022 O2022-03 Revise the Codified Ordinances by adopting current Replacement pages

03-15-2022 O2022-04 Amending Chapter to change Sewer Rates ( Inside and Outside City)

03-15-2022 O2022-05 Setting Appropriations for the Current Expense Year 

03-15-2022 O2022-06 Authorizing the City Auditor to Transfer and Advance Funds

03-15-2022 O2022-07 Accepting and Rejecting for Chemicals and Quicklime

04-04-2022-O2022-08- Authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract with Gallia County for Equipment and Labor

04-04-2022-O2022-09- Agreement for healthcare services with Pleasant Valley Hospital

04-18-2022-O2022-10- Agreement with the ODNR Grant Program

04-18-2022-O2022-11- Authorizing actions to accept the SOPEC Grant

05-02-2022-O2022-12- Agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Burgess and Niple Inc for Oakwood Drive

 05-02-2022-O2022-13- Amending Water Rates

05-02-2022-O2022-14- Authorizing ABM facility support services to perform an investment-grade audit for facility improvements

05-16-2022-O2022-15- Authorizing all actions to formally accept a SOPEC Grant

05-16-2022-O2022-16- Agreement for vision insurance  for all full-time, elected and appointed officials

06-06-2022 O2022-17- Directing the board of elections to place the 1% levy on income for streets and sidewalk repairs.

06-20-2022 O2022-18- Authorizing the City Manager to submit an application for the SVAA and VOCA Grant.

06-20-2022 O2022-19- Agreement with Broker LLC as the broker for the natural gas program

07-05-2022 O2022-20- Setting appropriations

08-15-2022 O2022-21- The issuance and sale of equipment bond, series 2022 for paying part of the costs of acquiring fire rescue scba equipment.

08-15-2022 O2022-22- Granting approval and consent to the ODOT authority to apply, maintain, and repair state highway roads

08-15-2022 O2022-23- Granting ODOT to remove and control snow and ice removal on all state highways.

08-15-2022 O2022-25- Authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with the director of transportation for resurfacing project

09-06-2022 O2022-26- Authorizing the continuation of life insurance and AD&D for all employees and elected and appointed officials

08-15-2022 O2022-24- Setting compensation for Municipal Employees and repealing past compensation

09-20-2022 O2022-27- Agreement for vision insurance coverage for full-time employees and elected or appointed officials

09-20-2022 O2022-28- Accepting and Rejecting bids for highway de-icing salt, calcium chloride, and cold-mix

09-20-2022 O2022-29- Transfer or Advancing funds

09-20-2022 O2022-30- Setting Appropriations

10-17-2022 O2022-31-An Agreement with PEP for General Liability and property insurance

10-17-2022 O2022-33- Bonus for Gallipolis Firefighters

10-17-2022 O2022-32 Christmas bonus for full-time employees and some part-time employees and all appointed officials

10-17-2022 O2022-34 Issuing permits to solicit from the occupant of a vehicle pursuant

10-17-2022 O2022-35- Letter of agreement with Rio family healthcare

10-17-2022 O2022-36- Agreement with Gallia County on Payment for Legal services for indigent Citizens

10-17-2022 O2022-37- Agreement with Pleasant Valley Hospital for Healthcare Services

10-17-2022 O2022-38- Setting Temporary Appropriations for the Calendar year 2023

11-07-2022 O2022-39 – Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Canaday Care

11-21-2022 O2022-40- Authorizing the City manager to enter into a contract for hospitalization, medical, and major medical and drug insurance

11-21-2022 O2022-41- Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for dental insurance

11-21-2022 O2022-42- Setting Appropriations

12-05-2022 O2022-43- Transferring and Advancing Funds

12-19-2022 O2022-44- Application for USDA Community Grant


01-19-2021 O2021-01- Emergency-Accepting and Rejecting Bids for Asphalt, Limestone, And Bedding Sand
02-02-2021 O2021-02- Emergency- Agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Paddling Grant
03-01-2021 O2021-03- Emergency- Amending Sewer Rates , sewer service charges for inside and outside city
03-16-2021 O2021-04- Setting Appropriations for Current Expenses for the Fisical Year
03-16-2021 O2021-05-Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Transfer or Advance Funds
03-16-2021 O2021-06-Emergency for accepting and rejecting bids for Chemicals and Quicklime
04-06-2021 O2021-07- Emergency Setting Appropriations for current Expenses
04-06-2021 O2021-08- (FAILED) Vacating a portion of the Alley Running East between First and Second
04-20-2021 O2021-09- Authorizing Settlement Payment
04-20-2021 O2021-10-Emergency authorizing the City Manager to apply for USDA Grant
04-20-2021 O2021-11-Emergency- Setting Appropriations
04-20-2021 O2021-12-Emergency- Transfer and Advance Funds
05-04-2021 O2021-13- Vacating A portion of alley running east west located between first and second
05-04-2021 O2021-14-Emergency- Agreement for state capital Improvement for Pool Project
06-01-2021 O2021-15- Vacating a portion of the alley and right away for cemetery road
05-18-2021 O2021-16-Emergency- Setting Appropriations for current expense year
06-01-2021 O2021-17- Submission to the electorate of an amendment to section 9, meetings, of the charter
06-15-2021 O2021-18- Authorizing the City Manager to submit application for CCA Grant
06-15-2021 O2021-19-Emergency- Authorizing the City Manager to submit an application for the VOCA Grant
07-20-2021 O2021-20- Establishing paid holidays for appointed and full time officials
07-20-2021 O2021-21- Authorizing Virtual meetings and attendance
07-06-2021 O2021-22- (FAILED) Amending codified ordinance section " Mobile Food Vendor"
08-03-2021 O2021-23- Setting Appropriations for the Current Expenses
08-03-2021 O2021-24- Transfer or Advance of funds
08-17-2021 O2021-25- (FAILED) Establishment and enforcement of penalties and legal remedies for violations
08-17-2021 O2021-26- (FAILED) Fair Housing definitions
09-07-2021 O2021-27- Authorizing and directing the city manager to enter into agreement with USI Insurance services
09-21-2021 O2021-28- Emergency- Authorizing the city manager to inter into contract with Gallia County
09-21-2021 O2021-29- Emergency- Setting appropriations
09-21-2021 O2021-30- Emergency- Donate interest
09-21-2021 O2021-31- Emergency- transfer funds
10-05-2021 O2021-32- Medical coverage for FT employees and appointed officials
10-05-2021 O2021-33- Disposition of property
10-19-2021 O2021-34- Bonus or clothing allowance to employees
10-19-2021 O2021-35- Bonus to Gallipolis Firefighters
10-19-2021 O2021-36- Premium pay for essential workers
10-19-2021 O2021-37- Letter of Agreement with Jeanne Ingles FNP-BC
10-19-2021 O2021-38- Amending compensation
10-19-2021 O2021-39- Issue permits to charitable organizations
10-19-2021 O2021-40- Temporary appropriations for current expenses for 2022
09-28-2021 O2021-41- Emergency- Setting appropriations for current expenses of the city
10-19-2021 O2021-42- State Auditor's Services
10-19-2021 O2021-43- Accepting/Rejecting Bids for highway de-icing salt
11-02-2021 O2021-44-Payment of legal services to indigent citizens
11-02-2021 O2021-45- GPS Date Collection and GIS Mapping for public drinking water
11-02-2021 O2021-46- Healthcare services for city employees
11-02-2021 O2021-47- Healthcare services for city employees
10-19-2021 O2021-48- (FAILED) Mobile Food Vending
11-16-2021 O2021-49- Transfer of funds
11-16-2021 O2021-50- Setting appropriations for current expenses
11-16-2021 O2021-51- Vacating a portion of alley between Eastern and Ohio Avenues


02-04-20 O2020-1-Authorizing City Manager to sign the Deed for Vacant Property on Pine Street

02-04-20 O2020-2-Emergency-Authorizing with City Manager to enter Contract for Equipment and Labor

02-04-20 O2020-3-Emergency-Amending Ordinance NO. O2019-37 Setting Temporary Appropriations

03-03-20 O2020-04-Emergency-Jail Contract w/Washington County Sheriff's Office

03-03-20 O2020-05-Emergency-Amend Temporary Appropriations 

03-17-20 O2020-06-Set 2020 Budget Appropriations for FY Ending 12-31-2020  

03-17-20 O2020-07-Authorizing City Auditor to Transfer or Advance Funds  

03-17-20 O2020-08-Amending Salary Ordinances for Project Engineer & Water Treatment Plant Supervisor

03-03-20 O2020-09-emergency-Amending Codified Ord. 1315.03 Building Permit Fees (Street Cuts)

03-03-20 O2020-10-Emergency-Bids for Chemicals and Quicklime

04-07-20 O2020-11-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

04-21-20 O2020-12-Emergency- Amendin Ordinance O2020-06 Setting Appropriations

04-21-20 O2020-13-Emergency- Setting Compensation for Municipal Employees

05-05-20 O2020-14-The Removal of the Ledgers in the Utility Department on certain past due accounts

05-19-20 O2020-15-Emergency-Bids for Water/Sewer Maintenance supplies, Hydrants & Meters

05-19-20 O2020-16-Emergency-Pledging Compliance with SB310 & CARES Act Requirements for Eligible Expenditures

05-19-20 O2020-17-Emergency-Amending Chapter 377 (Golf Cart Ordinance)

06-02-20 O2020-18-Emergency-Submit & Accept (if awarded) VOCA & SVAA Application for coming year

06-16-20 O2020-19-Emergency-Amending transfers or Advances

06-16-20 O2020-20-Emergency- Amending Appropriations

07-07-20 O2020-21-Emergency-Bids for sludge truck

08-04-20 O2020-22-Emergency-Bids for street paving (using OPWC Grant) 

08-04-20 O2020-23-Emergency-Annual Codified Ordinance update

08-04-20 O2020-24-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

08-04-20 O2020-25-Emergency-Authorizing City Manager to seek & enter Electric Aggregation Program

08-18-20 O2020-26-Renewal of Term Life and AD&D insurance for employees & elected/appointed officials

09-01-20 O2020-27-Indigent Defense Contract with County

09-01-20 O2020-28-Emergency-VSP Vision Insurance Contract Renewal

09-01-20 O2020-29-Emergency-Authorizing CM to Acquire Interest in Property on SR588 for Slip Repair

09-01-20 O2020-30-Emergency-Final Agreement w/State for SR588 Slip Repair ($580,000 project)

09-15-20 O2020-31- Emergency- Plan of Operation and Governance for Natural Gas Aggregation

09-15-20 O2020-32- Emergency- Agreement with the State of Ohio for the 588 slip repair

09-15-20 O2020-33- Emergency- Setting Appropriations

09-15-20 O2020-34- Emergency- Transfer or Advance Funds

10-06-20 O2020-35- Emergency- Bids for Highway De-Icing Salt, Calcium Chloride, & Cold Mix

10-06-20 O2020-36-Emergency -Bids for Paving City Streets (OPWC Grant)

10-06-20 O2020-37-Emergency- Agreement w/PEP for General Liability & Property Insurance

10-06-20 O2020-38- Emergency- Final Agreement w/ODOT for $1.2 million SR588 Slip Repair

11-17-20 O2020-39-Hospitalization, Medical & Major Medical, Drug & Dental Insurance contract

10-27-20 O2020-40-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

10-27-20 O2020-41-Emergency- Amending Transfers & Advances

10-27-20 O2020-42-Emergency - Agreement for electric aggregtion plan with SOPEC

10-27-20 O2020-43-Emergency - Approving SOPEC Plan of Operation & Governance

11-17-20 O2020-44-Emergency- Amending Appropriations

11-17-20 O2020-45-Emergency- Authorizing Payment of a Bonus to The Gallipolis Fire Department

11-17-20 O2020-46-Emergency-Authorizing Payment or Clothing Allowance

11-17-20 O2020-47-Emergency-Autherizing and Directing CM to Issue Permits to Charitable Organizations

11-17-20 O2020-48-Emergency-Autherizing and Directing CM to enter Agreement with Jeanie Ingles

11-17-20 O2020-49-Emergency-Autherizing and Directing Cm to enter Agreement for State Capitol Project Improvement

11-17-20 O2020-50-Emergency-Autherizing Cm to get into Agreement with Local Government Services

12-29-20 O2020-51-Emergency-Setting Temporary Appropriations for Current Expense for the Calendar year 2021

12-29-20 O2020-52-Emergency- Setting Compensation for Municipal Employees and Appointed Officials

12-29-20 O2020-53-Emergency- Setting Compensation for Municipal Employees and Appointed Officials

12-29-20 O2020-54-Emergency-Enter into a Letter of Agreement with Canaday Care LLC

12-29-20 O2020-55-Emergency - Enter into a Letter of Agreement with Rio Family Healthcare

12-29-20 O2020-56-Emergency- Setting Appropriations for current expenses

12-29-20 O2020-57-Emergency- Transfer or Advance Funds

12-29-20 O2020-58- Emergency- Authorizing City Manager to enter into Contract with the Gallia County for Equipment and Labor

12-29-20 O2020-59-Emergency- Authorizing to enter into a Agreement with Holzer Clinic


1-08-19 O2019-01-Emergency-Amending salary Ordinance (Utility Office Supervisor)

1-08-19 O2019-02-Emergency-Amending Temporary Appropriations

1-22-19 O2019-03-Emergency-Morrow County Jail Contract

2-5-19 O2019-04- Amending Sewer Rates for 2019 & 2020

2-19-19 O2019-05-Emergency- Bids for Chemicals and Quickline

3-5-19 O2019-06- Budget Appropriations Ordinance

3-05-19 O2019-07- Transfers and Advances

3-19-19 O2019-08-Setting Vacation Accruals for City Manager

4-2-19 O2019-09-Authorizing the City Manager to submit CDBG Application

4-16-19 O2019-10-Village of Middleport Jail Contract

4-16-19 O2019-11-Amend Appropriations

5-07-19 O2019-12-EMergency-Bids for Water/Sewer Maintenance Supplies, Hydrants, & Meters

05-07-19 O2019-13- Emergency-Amending Appropriations

05-07-19 O2019-14-Emergency-Amending Transfers & Advances

06-04-19 O2019-15-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

06-04-19 O2019-16-Emergency-Authorizing Purchase of Real Property( 535 & 539 Third, 532 & 534 Second, & 0 Cherry Road

06-04-19 O2019-17-Emergency-Authorizing Sale to County Parking lot at 527,531,533,& 535 Second Avenue

06-04-19 O2019-18-Emergency-Authorizing VOCA & SVAA Grant Applications

07-02-19 O2019-19-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

07-02-19 O2019-20-Emergency-Amending Salary Ordinance ( Police Department)

07-16-19 O2019-21-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

08-06-19 O2019-22-Emergency-Authorizing ODOT Bridge Inspection Program Contract

09-03-19 O2019-23-Amending Section 921.05(G) (1) $2/Month Senior Discount for Water Customers

09-03-19 O2019-24-Amending Section 925.07(G) (1) $2/Month Senior Discount for Sewer Customers

09-03-19 O2019-25-Emergency-Adopting Codified Ordinance Current Replacement Pages

09-03-19 O2019-26-Emergency-Rumpke Solid Waste Bsid Accepted

09-03-19 O2019-27-Emergency- Setting Rates for 2019-2022 Residential Refuse Customers

09-03-19 O2019-28-Emergency-Agreement w/State for SR588 Slip Repair

09-03-19 O2019-29-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

09-17-19 O2019-30-Establishing Section 1355 " Dwelling Structure Requirement " of Codified Ordinances

09-17-19 O2019-31-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

09-17-19 O2019-32-Emergency-Amending Transfers & Advances

10-01-19 O2019-33-Emergency-Agreement w/PEP for property/liability insurance

10-01-19 O2019-34-Emergency-Accepting bids for highway salt, calcium chloride, & cold mix

10-01-19 O2019-35-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

11-05-19 O2019-36-Emergency-Allowing Boot-drive permits for certain charitable Organizations

11-19-19 O2019-37-Setting 2020 Temporary Appropriations

11/05/19 O2019-38-Emergency-2020 Contract with County for Indigent Defense

11-05-19 O2019-39-Emergency-Employee Bonus/Clothing Allowance

11-05-19 O2019-40-Emergency-Bonus for Gallipolis Fire Department

11-05-19 O2019-41-Emergency-Electric Recharging Stations Bond W/OVB

11-05-19 O2019-42-Emergency-AMending Appropriations

11-05-19 O2019-43-Emergency-Amending Transfers and Advances

11-19-19 O2019-44-2020 Health Insurance & Dental Insurance

12-27-19 O2019-45-Letter of Agreement with Gallia County Health Department

12-27-19 O2019-46-Agreement with Highland County Sheriff's Office for Housing of Prisoners

12-27-19 O2019-47-Letter of Agreement with Jeanie Ingles

12-27-19 O2019-48-Letter of Agreement with Canaday

11-19-19 O2019-49-Emergency-Amending Appropriations

11-19-19 O2019-50-Emergency-Amending Transfers and Advances

12-27-19 O2019-51-Vacation Accruals for City Manager

12-27-19 O2019-52-Emergency-Letter of Agreement with Rio Family

12-27-19 O2019-53-Emergency-Accepting and Rejecting bids for Asphalt, Limestone, and Bedding Sand

12-27-19 O2019-54- Emergency Setting Appropriations



01-23-18 O2018-01 Emergency-Compensation for Appointted Officials-Clerk MC

01-23-18 O2018-02 Emergency- Amending 2018 Temporary Appropriations

02-06-18 O2018-03 Adopting 2018 International Property Maintenance Code

02-06-18 O2018-04 Amending Zoning Map

01-23-18 O2018-05 Emergency-Agreement with Gallia Co Health Dept for Primary Care

01-23-18 O2018-06 Emergency Building Permits

02-20-18 O2018-07 Emergency-Cemetery Fees

03-06-18 O2018-08 Setting 2018 Budget Appropriations

03-06-18 O2018-09 Transfer and Advance Funds

02-20-18 O2018-10 Emergency-Contract with ODOT for Bridge Inspection Program

03-06-18 O2018-11 Emergency- Bids for Chemical and Quicklime

03-20-18 O2018-12 Emergency-Tamper with Water and Sewer Service

03-20-18 O2018-13 Emergency- Amending 1315.01 Permit - Building

03-20-18 O2018-14 Emergency-921.01 Connection Permit Required-Water

03-20-18 O2018-15 Emergency-Cruzet Avenue and Eastern Avenue - Vacating unnamed alleyway

04-17-18 O2018-16 Emergency-Amending Appropriations

05-15/18 O2018-17 Emergency-Bids Water/Sewer

05-15-18 O2018-18 Emergency-Setting Appropriations

06-05-18 O2018-19 Emergency-Bids for Generator for Water Plant

07-17-18 O2018-21 Term Life Insurance for Employees

07-17-18 O2018-22 Agreement with GASB-34 Local Government Services

07-03-18 O2018-23 Emergency-Amending Appropriations

07-03-18 O2018-24 Emergency-Transfer and Advance Funds

08-21-18 O2018-25 Revise Codified Ordinances - Replacement Pages

08-21-18 O2018-26 Haskins Park and Canaday Park Closing Hours

08-21-18 O2018-27 Emergency-Bids for Paving City Streets

08-21-18 O2018-28 Emergency-Amending Appropriations

08-21-18 O2018-29 Emergency-Transfer and Advance Funds

08-21-18 O2018-30 Emergency-Bids for Restoring Bandstand

09-04-18 O2018-31 Emergency-Agreement for Vision Insurance

09-18-18 O2018-32 Emergency-Amending Section 549.09 Discharging Firearms

09-18-18 O2018-33 Emergency-Establishing Section 1343.08 Res. Structures Exhibiting Persistent Criminal Activity

10-02-18 O2018-34 Emergency-Amending Appropriations

10-02-18 O2018-35 Emergency-PEP General Liability & Property Insurance

11-06-18 O2018-36 Contract w/County for Emergency Management Services

10-16-18 O2018-37 Emergency-VESI Natural Gas Aggregation Program

10-16-18 O2018-38 Emergency-Amending Section D2(b) "Maintenance Employees" of the Salary Ordinance

10-16-18 O2018-39 Emergency-Accepting & Rejecting Bids for Highway Salt, Calcium Chloride, & Cold Mix

11-27-18 O2018-40 Emergency-Agreement w/Jeanne Ingles FNP for Healthcare Services

11-27-18 O2018-41 Emergency-Accepting Bids for Asphalt, Limestone and Bedding Sand

12-04-18 O2018-42 Emergency-Contract w/Gallia Co. for Boarding of Prisoners

11-27-18 O2018-43 Emergency-Bonus or Clothing Allowance for FT & Eligible PT Employees

11-27-18 O2018-44 Emergency-Contract w/Highland County Sheriff for Housing of Prisoners

11-27-18 O2018-45 Emergency-Permitting Certain Charitable Organizations to Solicit Donations from Vehicle Occupants

11-27-18 O2018-46 Emergency-Bonus for Gallipolis Fire Department Firefighters

11-27-18 O2018-47 Emergency-Contract w/Gallia County for Equipment & Labor

11-27-18 O2018-48 Emergency-Amending Appropriations

11-27-18 O2018-49 Emergency-Transfer & Advance Funds

11-27-18 O2018-50 Hospitalization, Medical & Major Medical, Drug and Dental Insurance Coverage

11-27-18 O2018-51 Amending Employee Portion of Health Insurance Coverage

11-27-18 O2018-52 Emergency-Agreement w/County for Indigent Defense

12-04-18 O2018-53 Emergency-Amending Water Leak Insurance Program to In Unless Opted Out

12-04-18 O2018-54 Emergency-2019 Temporary Appropriations

12-04-18 O2018-55 Emergency-Agreement w/Canaday Care, LLC for Healthcare Services


01-03-17   Ord2017-01  Healthcare for Employees, Jeannie Ingles

01-17-17   Ord2017-02   Vacant Property and Building Registration

01-17-17   Ord2017-03   Emergency-Levy for purpose of public safety on ballot May2, 2017

01-17-17   Ord2017-04   Emergency-Setting Appropriations

02-21-17   Ord2017-05   Canaday Care-Healthcare Services

03-07-17   Ord2017-06   Setting Appropriations

03-07-17   Ord2017-07   Transfer and Advance Funds

03-07-17   Ord2017-08   Setting Compensation for Salaried Employees

03-21-17   Ord2017-09   Bids-Chemicals and Quicklime

03-21-17   Ord2017-10   Change Order No 8-WPCF

03-21-17   Ord2017-11   Emergency-City Pool Improvement

03-21-17   Ord2017-12   Emergency-Airport Road Improvement Project

03-21-17   Ord2017-13   Emergency-Setting Appropriations

03-21-17   Ord2017-14   Transfer and Advance Funds

05-02-17   Ord2017-15   Amemding Section 4, Compensation for Salaried Employees

05-23-17   Ord2017-16   Healthcare Services for Holzer Clinic

05-02-17   Ord2017-17   Emergency-Agreement with CT Consultants For Amendment 4 WPCF

05-23-17   Ord2017-18   Utility Service and Code Enforcement Past Due Accounts

05-02-17   Ord2017-19   Emergency-Bids Water/Sewer Supplies

05-23-17   Ord2017-20   Rental Agreement with Pitney Bowes. Inc

05-23-17   Ord2017-21   Application for VOCA Grant Agreement

05-23-17   Ord2017-22   Setting Appropriations

05-23-17   Ord2017-23   Transfer and Advance Funds

06-27-17   Ord2017-24   Emergency-Gallipolis Railroad Exempt from Utility Bills

07-18-17   Ord2017-25   Parking Violation Fines Update

08-01-17   Ord2017-27   Emergency- Agreement with Competitive Retail Electric Provider

08-22-17   Ord2017-28   Emergency-Codified Ordinances Adopting Replacement Pages

08-22-17   Ord2017-29   Emergency- Transfer and Advance Funds

08-22-17   Ord2017-30   Emergency Setting Appropriations

10-03-17   Ord2017-31   Liability of Property Owners

10-03-17   Ord2017-32   Establishing overnight camping on streets and parking areas

10-03-17   Ord2017-33   Liability for Service, Delinquency; Exemption

09-25-17   Ord2017-34   Emergency-Setting Appropriations

09-25-17   Ord2017-35   Emergency-Transfer and Advance Funds

10-03-17   Ord2017-36   Emergency-Bids Highway Salt/Calcium/ Cold Mix

10-17-17   Ord2017-37   Emergency-Agreement with USI Insurance Services PEP

10-31-17   Ord2017-38   Emergency-Hospitalization Insurance

11-14-17   Ord2017-39   Emergency-Charitable Organizations to Solicit

11-14-17   Ord2017-40   Emergency-Bonus for Full and Part Time Employees

11-14-17   Ord2017-41   Emergency-Setting Appropriations

12-05-17   Ord2017-42   Emergency-Setting Appropriations

12-05-17   Ord2017-43   Emergency-Medical Insurance Rates Set

12-05-17   Ord2017-44   Emergency- Setting Compensation for Employees

12-05-17   Ord2017-45   Emergency-Bonus Fire Dept

12-05-17   Ord2017-46   Emergency Agreement with Canaday Care for Healthcare

12-05-17   Ord2017-47   Emergency-Agreement with Jeanne Ingles for Healthcare

12-05-17   Ord2017-48   Emergency-Highland County Sheriff -Housing of Prisoners

12-05-17   Ord2017-49   Emergency - Gallia County Boarding of Prisoners

12-05-17   Ord2017-50   Emergency - Agreement with Co Commissioners for Legal Services-Indigent Citizens

12-05-17   Ord2017-51   Emergency Contract with Gallia Co for Equipment and Labor

12-05-17   Ord2017-52   Emergency- Setting Appropriations

Ordinance 2016

01-19-16 OrdO2016-01 Plan of Operation for Electric Aggregation Program
01-05-16 OrdO2016-02 Emergency-Agreement with Jeanne Ingles FNP-BC
01-05-16 OrdO2016-03 Emergency-Change Order No.2 Mechanical Construction
01-05-16 OrdO2016-04 Emergency-Agreement with Canaday Care LLC
02-02-16 OrdO2016-05 Emergency-Building Permit Fees
02-02-16 OrdO2016-06 Emergency-Amending Chapter 715.05, fees (Garage Sales)
02-02-16 OrdO2016-07 Emergency- Registration for Municipal Income Tax Dept
02-02-16 OrdO2016-08 Emergency-Cemetery Fees
02-02-16 OrdO2016-09 Emergency-Setting A Temporary Appropriations
02-18-16 OrdO2016-10 Emergency-Setting Temporary Appropriations
02-18-16 OrdO2016-11 Emergency-Change Order#3 Mechanical Construction Co
03-15-16 OrdO2016-12 Setting Appropriations
03-15-16 OrdO2016-13 Transfer and Advances
03-01-16 OrdO2016-14 Emergency-Bids for Quicklime and Chemicals
03-01-16 OrdO2016-15 Emergency-Agreement with State Auditors Office (GASB-34) 2014-15
03-01-16 OrdO2016-16 Emergency- Bonds -Parking Lot
03-15-16 OrdO2016-17 Emergency-Change Order #4 Mechanical Construction
04-05-16 OrdO2016-18 Emergency-Setting Appropriations
04-05-16 OrdO2016-19 Emergency-Transfer and Advances
05-03-16 OrdO2016-20 Emergency-Change Order No 5, Mechanical Construction
05-03-16 OrdO2016-21 Income Tax Levy
05-03-16 OrdO2016-22 Mobile Food Vending
05-03-16 OrdO2016-23 Sale of Real Property- Gallipolis Railroad Freight
05-31-16 OrdO2016-24 Setting Appropriations
05-31-16 OrdO2016-25 Transfer and Advances
05-31-16 OrdO2016-26 Application for Victims Crime Act
05-31-16 OrdO2016-27 Sale of Real Property-Gallipolis Island
05-31-16 OrdO2016-28 Bids-Water /Sewer Maintenance Supplies, Hydrants, Meters
05-31-16 OrdO2016-29 Compensation for Salaried Employees
05-31-16 OrdO2016-30 Community Development Block Grant
06-21-16 OrdO2016-31 Codified Ordinance Pawnbrokers and Second hand Dealers
07-19-16 OrdO2016-32 Fee Schedule for Property Maintenance Code Violations
07-19-16 OrdO2016-33 Term Life Ins for Employees
07-19-16 OrdO2016-34 Setting Appropriations
08-23-16 OrdO2016-35 Natural Gas Aggregation Program
08-02-16 OrdO2016-36 Setting Appropriations
08-02-16 OrdO2016-37 Transfer and Advance Funds
08-02-16 OrdO2016-38 Emergency-Bids for Riverfront Project
09-06-16 OrdO2016-39 Codified Ordinances Replacement Page
09-06-16 OrdO2016-40 Agreement for Vision Insurance
09-20-16 OrdO2016-41 Grant-ODNR and US Fish and Wildlife Service
09-20-16 OrdO2016-42 Change Order No. 6 and 7 - WPCIP
09-20-16 OrdO2016-43 Setting Appropriations
09-20-16 OrdO2016-44 Transfer and Advance Funds
10-18-16 OrdO2016-45 Highland County Sheriff Dept-Agreement housing prisoners
10-04-16 OrdO2016-46 Emergency Bids-Highway Salt, Calcium Chlordie, Cold Mix
10-18-16 OrdO2016-47 Contract for Hospitlization, Medical and Major Medical Drug and Dental for Employees
10-04-16 OrdO2016-48 Emergency-Agreement with USI Insurance for Liability and Property
10-04-16 OrdO2016-49 Emergency Agreement with Morrow County-Housing Prisoners
10-18-16 OrdO2016-50 Agreement with State Auditor (GASB-34 Look-Alike Statements for 2016-17)
10-18-16 OrdO2016-51 Setting Appropriations
10-18-16 OrdO2016-52 Transfer and Advance Funds
10-18-16 OrdO2016-53 Charitable Organizations to Solicit from Vehicle
11-15-16 OrdO2016-54 Removal From Ledgers Utility Office-Past Due Accounts
12-06-16 OrdO2016-55 Contract with County for Emergency Management Services
12-06-16 OrdO2016-56 Agreement with Middleport Ohio Housing Prisoners
11-15-16 OrdO216-57 Setting Appropriations
11-15-16 OrdO2016-58 Setting Appropriations
11-15-16 OrdO2016-59 Transfer and Advances
12-06-16 OrdO2016-60 Bids-Limestone Asphalt Bedding Sand
12-06-16 OrdO216-61 License Fees-Codified Ordinances
12-06-16 OrdO2016-62 Contract with County for Equipment and Labor
12-06-16 OrdO2016-63 Setting Appropriations
12-06-16 OrdO2016-64 Transfer and Advances
12-06-16 OrdO2016-65 Agreement with Gallia Co-Legal Services
12-06-16 OrdO2016-66 Agreement with Gallia Co-Boarding Prisoners
12-06-16 OrdO2016-67 Payment of Bonus to full-time Employees
01-03-17 OrdO2016-68 Appropriate Real Property 754 4th Avenue

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